Monday, June 2, 2008

Workshop on Sifat Solat Rasullulah SAW

Muslim Organization of Bukit Jelutong (MOBJ) will be organizing a Sifat Solat Rasullulah SAW Workshop on Saturday 7th June 2008 at Bukit Jelutong. The workshop is from 9am till solat asar and will be conducted by Ust Fathul Bari. Food, refreshment and workshop materials will be provided. Venue will be confirmed later.

Please confirmed attendance latest by Wednesday 4th June. Places are limited, therefore book early.

Workshop fee: Adults RM 20
School Children RM 10.

Please help to inform your family members, neighbors and friends about this workshop.
For further info, pls contact Burhan 012-2182337 or, Bro Amir 019-2778554 or Zuliana 012-2811265

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